Louise Jones
to me

Good morning, Francine.

I am writing to you as a follow-up to the request for a referral I sent out to the Mid-Peninsula Eating Disorder Clinic I sent out in June. I have just been contacted by them as they were concerned with the fact that aside from setting up an appointment with them for the beginning of this month it appears you haven't made further contact with them.

I just thought that I would touch base with you and make sure that everything is okay, and remind you that if you need to you can make an appointment with me at any time to discuss any concerns you might be having.

Typically I don't often send out emails, but it seems as if you haven't been getting our letters. Did you move recently? Please be sure to call Christine at reception and have her change all your details if you have so we can make sure we're up to date.

Warm Regards,

Dr. Louise Jones